100 Days is an annual project at New York City’s School of Visual Arts that was founded by Michael Bierut. Each year, the students of the school’s Master’s in Branding Program spend 100 days documenting their process with a chosen creative endeavor. This year, we’re showcasing each student in the program by providing a peek into ten days of their project. You can keep an eye on everyone’s work on our SVA 100 Days page.
It is not rare that we are surrounded by boxes and bottles of branded objects that we purchase, use and discard, often within a matter of days, or even hours. We don’t pay much attention to the words on the back and rarely take a moment to glance them over.
Poetry is a device that allows one to say the things they can’t say, or don’t know how to.
In “Hidden Poems,” strategist and designer Stuti Sukhani takes all the single-use items that surround her in an attempt to uncover the verse that lies in the rigamarole of this packaging. Using blackout poetry, she plays with the words that the items offer to tell small yet sticky stories, sometimes aided by imagery. She seeks to increase the psychological lifespan of a one-time-use object to find the meaning it can hold.
Follow Sukhani’s investigation of the lyrical in the mundane at @100hiddenpoems.